Krueger's Flutter Nugget next to the inspiration - a Putnam's Cicada - source - Fort Collins, CO - near Poudre River
Design meets art and purpose
I have always looked at fly tying as an art form. A way to express my inner creativity paired with inspiration from nature and purposeful results of of course catching fish. Beautiful flies meet beautiful fish in a beautiful setting all having one thing in common, beauty at it's core. Ugly flies catch fish too, but to me it's about matching beauty in all aspects. Nature gives ultimate inspiration to artistic expression. That's why I tie flies. That's how I design.
Recipes and Tutorials
I am always looking for new ways in which to use the ever evolving list of materials available to today's fly tyer in a pattern. Want to learn to tie your own flies? Check out the tutorials, YouTube or pick up a book with my patterns featured.
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